
Taipei in 48 hours

We arrived to a cloudy but warm Taipei yesterday afternoon, and it was nice to be back in this friendly city. We are staying at the same hotel as last time where they also have the bar "The Whisky Gallery" where we will have the tasting tonight.
Yesterday we had dinner with our contacts from the Trade Council and it was nice to meet them again, catching up on Taipei.

Dinner at Happy Hong Kong with the Trade Council

Photos and more info will come soon!



Ida and I just arrived to Taipei, we are holding a whisky tasting at the whisky gallery tomorrow, meeting with some of all the lovely people we met at the Whisky live fair last time we were here!

More info to come ...


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Mackmyra in the heart of Paris

November the 16th we introduced the concept “Living Cask” at the historic place Cercle Suédois in Paris. The Cercle Suédois is the oldest Swedish foreign club in the world, founded 1891.

All the Swedish history in the walls combined with the beautiful rooms and the lovely view from the balcony over the Tuileri garden, makes this a perfect meeting point for our Mackmyra enthusiasts in Paris!

Cercle Suédoise is located just a few minutes from Place de la Concorde and the Louvre. Here we are in good company, besides the fantastic and dedicated crew of Swedes that is taking care of the restaurant and the club, one of the first members in this club was Alfred Nobel. His desk, were he wrote his famous will, is still present in one of the lounges.

We want you to feel most welcome to Sercle Suédois and try the Gold Winning Mackmyra Reserve direct from the cask!

Cercle Suédois
242 rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Tel :+33 01 42 60 76 67

Best regards
Lisa and Andreas


Mackmyra @South Africa part 3

Sunny morning with 31 degrees by the pool, then work then lunch. We had a wonderful South African lunch at SA restaurant LEKGOTLA with french whisky queen Martine Nouet, where we ate freshly smoked crocodile amongst other things- plus a local SA seafood platter- all really delicate. Now to some preparations and then get ready to rock'n roll again on the 2nd eve of Whisky Live Johannesburg.

Härligt solig morgon med 31 grader vid hotellpolen, sen lite jobb och sen lunch. En härlig sydafrikansk lunch på restaurang LEKGOTLA blev det tillsammans med franska whiskydrottningen Martine Nouet. Vi åt bland annat färskrökt krokodil och en lokal skaldjurstallrik- allt var mycket delikat. Nu till förberedelserna inför den 2a kvällen av Whisky Live i Johannesburg- sen är det bara att tuta och köra.


Mackmyra @ South Africa

Vad, är Mackmyra i Sydafrika? Ja, Mackmyra är på besök i Sydafrika. För första gången! Mackmyras Master Blender Angela och försäljningschef Mikael Mossvall besöker landet och passar dessutom på att vara med på en het whiskyfestival och deras 9e gång i landet, Whisky Live i Johannesburg.

Onsdag kväll som var festivalens första kväll- var riktigt välbeökt. Många besökare som aldrig hade hört talas om svensk whisky kom och provade i Mackmyras lilla monter där Angela och Mikael stod och berättade och  stänkte svensk whisky i hög takt. En sammanfattning av kvällen; en mycket positiv respons och med flera nya intressenter vad det gäller internationella fat. Dag två, torsdag, lär bli ännu mer fler besökare.

What, is Mackmyra in South Africa? Yes, Mackmyra is visiting South Africa. For the first time!
Mackmyra's Master blender Angela and Sales manager Mikael Mossvall are visiting the country, and at the same time, participating in the hot, 9th in the row, whisky festival Whisky Live in Johanneburg.

Wednesday evening was this year's festival's first- and really crowded. Lots of vistors that had never heard of Swedish whisky, came and tasted in the small Mackmyra booth, where Mikael and Angela were pouring and telling about Mackmyra to everyone, as if their life depended on it. A very positive response and more possible new ambassadors regarding international casks, was the summing up of the evening. Day two, Thursday, have been promised to be even more crowded.


Framme i Sydafrika/ Arrived in South Africa

Framme i Sydafrika! Resan gick mycket bra, jag lyckades t om sova på planet, tro det eller ej. Solen skiner och det är sköna 26 grader ute. Ser verkligen fram emot morgondagen med 1:a festivaldagen av WHISKY LIVE JOHANNESBURG. Mackmyra International återkommer med mer rapport imorron /Angela

Safe & sound in South Africa! The trip went very well, I even managed to sleep on the plane, beleive it or not. The sun's shining and its 26 lovely degrees celsius outside. Really looking forward to tomorrow and the 1st day of WHISKY LIVE JOHANNESBURG. More from Mackmyra International tomorrow /Angela